Highlight: We’ve Got the POWER…Implementation Grant Funding Available (Including Important Updates about SBA Cluster Solicitation)

Changes in energy policy and economic downturns have affected the coal economy significantly over the last several years. Many communities that once relied on coal for jobs are struggling to find their way as the world changes around them. The federal government, including EDA, is helping these communities as they attempt to diversify and adapt to the changing economy. Today, federal agencies are collaborating on these issues to affect greater change.
On May 11, EDA joined Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez to announce up to $35.5 million in funding is available for coal-impacted communities across the country as part of the Obama Administration’s Partnership for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) initiative.
Spotlight: Another Amazing Americas Competitiveness Exchange (ACE) Trip

What do you get when you take four agencies, 43 high-ranking foreign officials from 26 countries across three states, and to visit more than 40 sites? You get the most successful Americas Competitiveness Exchange to date! On April 19-25, EDA, the International Trade Administration, the Organization of American States, and the U.S. Department of State led an international delegation on a tour of innovative sites in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois for the Third Americas Competitiveness Exchange on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The tour kicked off in Minneapolis, where Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development treated participants to a briefing and tour. The next day, the delegation visited the University of Minnesota to hear about how the state is supporting apple breeding and flood mitigation to grow and protect jobs. The delegation then headed to Rochester where they participated in a tour of the Mayo Clinic to learn about the latest medical innovations taking place there.