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A bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce


Press Release

U.S. EDA Invests to Boost Hawaiian Competitiveness

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Commerce Department's Economic Development Administration (EDA) today announced $247,000 in grants to boost business development and job growth in Hawaii by helping to examine the infrastructure needs in support of commerce and plan for the development of an agribusiness processing facility.

"Economic recovery and growth are top priorities for the Obama Administration," said U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development John Fernandez. "This EDA investment will support the analysis of statewide infrastructure that is critical to advancing economic opportunity and job growth and will boost efforts to improve Hawaii's economic competitiveness by helping in the development process of establishing an agribusiness processing facility."

The investments announced today include:

  • $200,000 to the Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs of Honolulu, Hawaii, to help the organization perform an analysis of statewide infrastructure and the implication it has for long-term economic development throughout Hawaii.

"Much of Hawaii's physical infrastructure is old and failing. There is a great need for maintenance, repair, and replacement. Such infrastructure includes sewers, roads, bridges, dams, harbors, water distribution systems and wells," said Jeanne Schultz Afuvai, Executive Vice President, Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs.

  • $47,000 grant to the Ali'i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club of Aiea, Hawaii, to help prepare a plan for the development of an agribusiness processing facility.

"The investment will capitalize on the region's competitive strengths of smaller, diversified farms with onsite clean energy and renewable technologies that are evidencing some success in creating new markets for their unique products, and historic agritourism opportunities," said Keali'i Lum, Executive Director, Ali'i Pauahi Hawaiian Civic Club.

About the U.S. Economic Development Administration:

The mission of the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting competitiveness and preparing the nation's regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy. An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce, EDA makes investments in economically distressed communities in order to create jobs for U.S. workers, promote American innovation and accelerate long-term sustainable economic growth.