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Program Category # of Grants per state Sum of EDA $
Assistance to Coal Communities 1 $330,566
Economic Adjustment Assistance 1 $600,000
Planning 8 $560,000
Public Works 1 $3,000,000
Technical Assistance 1 $116,667
Trade Adjustment Assistance 1 $1,027,467
Grand Total 13 $5,634,700
Massachusetts Produce Center

Chelsea is a 1.8 square mile urban municipality on the northern shore of the Boston Inner Harbor, bordered by the cities of Boston, Revere, and Everett, Massachusetts. Chelsea is home to the Chelsea Food Distribution Cluster New England Produce Terminal, the largest food terminal market in the U.S. With over 100 private businesses providing fresh produce throughout New England and Eastern Canada, the Chelsea Food Cluster employs over 1,000 area residents. Chelsea has faced long-term and chronic unemployment rates as high as 9.4 percent, further compounded by low per-capita income and high poverty rates.

In FY 2018, EDA awarded $3 million in Public Works funds to the City of Chelsea with assistance from the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, to provide infrastructure improvements to traverse the vital industrial area and its existing produce distribution facilities and logistics, wholesale trade, manufacturing and transportation firms. Businesses needed adequate connectivity in order to access regional highway systems, airports and the Port of Boston in order to transport produce to and from the distribution facilities.

With this investment, New England Produce Center has committed to creating 1,000 new jobs, saving 1,200 jobs, and leveraging $8,697,974 in private investment. In addition, the infrastructure improvements will create new opportunities for other agricultural, distribution and manufacturing businesses in the area planning to expand their businesses.

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