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Success Story: The U.S. Cluster Mapping Portal is a Problem-Solving Tool...So What Are You Trying to Solve?

Many different types of users visit the U.S. Cluster Mapping and Registry portal, including business economic developers, policymakers, academics, and researchers.

Caption below

U.S. Cluster Mapping Logo

Some are trying to effect change in state or national policy, while others are trying to determine a strategy for a region, industry, or organization. But all have one thing in common: they can use the U.S. Cluster Mapping and Registry portal to achieve their goals.

You can read some specific examples of how the portal is helping to boost a regional network, teach a class, create an economic forecast, and much more on the Cluster Mapping website.

If you have a great use case or testimonial that you would be willing to share, we encourage you to contact: [email protected].

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