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Spotlight: EDA’s University Center Economic Development Program: Higher Education Resources and Expertise Supporting Local Plans to Grow Businesses

Institutions of higher education have extensive resources, including specialized research, outreach, technology transfer, and commercialization capabilities, as well as recognized faculty expertise and sophisticated laboratories.

Letterman 'U' for University

The EDA-supported University Center (UC) program is specifically designed to marshal the resources located within colleges and universities to support businesses and regional economic development strategies in regions of chronic and acute economic distress. The UCs, which EDA considers long-term partners in economic development, are required to devote the majority of their funding to respond to technical assistance requests originating from organizations located in the economically distressed portions of their service regions.

Currently, EDA boasts a total of 58 UC’s across the nation. Each of these centers reflects the character and capacities of the sponsoring institution and the needs of the region that the programs serve. The proactive engagement of the higher education system is particularly critical to our nation’s future.

The FY17 University Centers competition for the Atlanta and Seattle Regional Offices closed on March 20, 2017.

By making resources available to areas suffering economic dislocation, the University Center program can be a game-changer for communities looking to capitalize on opportunities, address problems and overcome economic challenges. Please visit our UC page for more information.

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