Funding Opportunity

Statewide Planning, Research & Networks (FY21 American Rescue Plan)

Status: Closed
Application deadline
Closed. EDA is no longer accepting applications for funding under this program.
EDA is no longer accepting applications for funding under this program.

Building back better means investing in projects that will promote equity and develop local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks and climate change.

Through the Statewide Planning, Research & Networks program, EDA is supporting states in planning efforts by allocating $59 million for Statewide Planning Grants.

In addition, the program will allocate $31 million for Research and Networks Grants to invest in research that assesses the effectiveness of EDA’s programs, and provides support for stakeholder communities around key EDA initiatives.

Historical link:

Application Dates:

State Planning Grants:
Application due 45 days after receiving invitation

Research and Networks Grants:
Rolling (Research and Network Grants). EDA encourages eligible applicants to submit their applications as soon as possible.