Archived Awards Content

Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.

BioFabrication Cluster

Build Back Better Regional Challenge Badge Winner

Coalition Lead: City of Manchester, New Hampshire

Phase 2 Award: $44 million

Private Investment (Sept. 2022 – Sept. 2024): $82.9 million

Additional Public and Nonprofit Funding (Sept. 2022 – Sept. 2024): $3.8 million

Project Description: The BioFabrication Cluster is utilizing a $44 million BBBRC grant to establish the region as the global epicenter for the production and distribution of regenerative tissues and organs. Bringing engineered cells, tissues, and ultimately organs to patients will revolutionize healthcare, saving lives and reducing healthcare costs, while ensuring that the region realizes economic benefits. The BBBRC funding builds on foundational investments from the U.S. Department of Defense, complementing other federal resources.

The coalition brings together regional partners such as the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, Southern New Hampshire University, and the city of Manchester.

As of September 2024, the coalition has made significant strides in achieving its vision of advancing a local regenerative medicine hub:

  • To build a biofabrication workforce of the future, the coalition is increasing collaboration between its regional universities, community colleges, and industry partners by preparing programs for launch and community engagement. Notably, the internship program funded through the workforce development project has already started paying dividends, and the first hire of an intern was made earlier in 2024.
  • The coalition has made progress in accelerating the growth of its startup portfolio companies and building awareness for follow-on private investors for non-dilutive funding opportunities by hosting the inaugural BioFab Startup Lab Investment Summit in October 2023 and generating additional momentum for commercialization through ongoing engagement.
  • In order to address structural transportation barriers to education and employment, the coalition partnered with the Volpe Center to create a nearly completed Manchester Biofabrication Cluster Transportation Equity Study. The study, which will be complete by 2025 and is informed by local research gathered by Deo Mwano Consultancy, will provide recommendations and implementation guides on lessening the reliance on privately owned vehicles as the sole access to good paying jobs.
  • The ReGen Valley Tech Hub consortium in the region was awarded approximately $44 million as part Phase 2 of the new Tech Hubs Program to develop a globally competitive regenerative medicine cluster in New Hampshire.

Coalition Overarching Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)

“The goal of this funding is to make Manchester the epicenter of the biofabrication industry, and it builds on previous federal investments in ARMI | BioFab USA. … To make sure residents are not left behind as the industry grows, the largest programmatic funding is allocated to removing barriers and providing pathways to good-paying jobs to local workers.”

BioFabrication Cluster

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Coalition Website

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Case Study: BioFabrication Cluster - Two Years After the Building Back Better Regional Challenge Winner Award (PDF)


Additional Designations Earned in Region

Tech Hubs Official Designee Badge