Philadelphia Works, Inc
Project Title: The Coordinated Southeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Development System
Region (applicant-defined)/State(s) or territory served: Southeastern Pennsylvania
Phase (applicant-defined): System Development
Award Amount: $22,776,361
Key Industry / Industries: Healthcare; Building and Construction; Energy and Resilience
Contact: Patricia Blumenauer, Vice President, Operations and Data, [email protected]
Project Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)
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Philadelphia Works, a non-profit workforce organization, will implement three sector partnerships in healthcare, energy, and building and construction, in partnership with employers including Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania, PECO, and Monroe Energy. The awardee’s healthcare backbone organization, The West Philadelphia Skills Initiative, is a workforce intermediary that has placed 97 percent of its program graduates into well-paying jobs and has long-standing relationships with key healthcare employers like the University of Pennsylvania Health System. Its energy sector partnership, led by the Philadelphia Energy Authority, will train workers for the rapidly growing local solar market. Its infrastructure sector partner, the Philadelphia Area Labor Management Committee (a partnership between business and labor), leads the BUILT-RITE program, a coalition of contractors, unions, and construction users established in 1985. Together these three sector partnerships will create pathways into well-paying, union jobs.
The project narrative included above is what was submitted by the applicants. The final EDA-approved scope of work may differ.