Workforce Solutions Rural Capital

Project Title: Rural Employers Infuse Vital Economic Success in Texas (REINVEST)
Region (applicant-defined)/State(s) or territory served: Rural Central Texas (Llano, Burnet, Blanco, Bastrop, Lee, and Fayette counties)
Phase (applicant-defined): System Development
Award Amount: $12,087,373
Key Industry / Industries: Building and Construction; Information Technology; Healthcare
Contact: Paul Fletcher, Chief Executive Officer, [email protected]
Project Narrative (applicant submitted) (PDF)
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In rural central Texas, residents face significant barriers to obtaining quality jobs, including gaps in educational attainment, lack of access to broadband, and disruption in local economies spurred by the recent closure of a coal mine. This project will establish and fund two sectoral partnerships with backbone organization Workforce Network, Inc. Focusing on the western area of the region and Smithville Workforce Training Center focusing on the eastern area of the region. Both sector partnerships will prioritize training programs and apprenticeships in skilled trades, IT/financial services, and healthcare. Employer partners include Hill Country Builders Association, Quick Connect Electrical, Ascension Seton, Imagine Solutions, and CMIT Solutions.

The project narrative included above is what was submitted by the applicants. The final EDA-approved scope of work may differ.