Pacific NorthWest Economic Region Foundation


Seattle, WA


Project Name

Congregate: A Solutions Accelerator to Re-Open the Tourism and Performing Arts Industries


Award Amount

Federal Share

Local Match




The Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) is forming “Congregate: A Solutions Accelerator” focused on scaling solutions that help safely re-open tourism, performing arts, travel, and hospitality (TPATH). With PNWER’s history of working with state and local governments, industry leaders, and innovators on solutions that drive the economy forward, Congregate will:

  1. be a catalyst for innovation in biotechnology, health security, and supply-chain solutions;
  2. increase regional, national, and government connectivity across innovation clusters to support entrepreneurship, and;
  3. scale models to address the new congregation environments post-pandemic, identify and incubate potential solutions, pilot these solutions with affected industries, and scale solutions globally to reopen and bring jobs to the U.S. economy.

To reopen these industries, both technologies and policies that provide public health safety measures that allow people to congregate safely are needed. This includes technologies for: (1) health pre-clearance with digital verification that protects privacy (including verifiable, safe, and portable vaccination certification), (2) air filtrations, and (3) touchless and disease-resistant surfaces.

Invention of these technologies is not enough. Connections with industry and regulators are necessary to ensure that they can be deployed in a safe and effective manner.
