Washington State University


Pullman, WA

Project Name

Washington's High-Demand Advanced Civil Engineering Workforce Development

Award Amount


Local Match


Washington State University’s (WSU) Department of Civil and Environment Engineering (CEE) and School of Design and Construction (SDC) are collaborating on Washington's High-Demand Advanced Civil Engineering Workforce Development project. The project aims to bridge the talent gap between industry-desired intelligence and traditional technical skills in civil engineering. The project focuses on infusing critical, emerging technologies (e.g., Building Information Modeling, artificial intelligence, virtual reality/augmented reality, drones) and social intelligence in work-and-learn education and training models to develop students' competencies and skills to fill high-demand civil, structural, transportation, and construction engineering jobs.

The project has a special focus on students from underrepresented groups, such as students from indigenous, farming and low-income communities, as well as women, people of color and adult-learners. WSU plans to offer a blend of personalized mentorships, experiential learning, professional development opportunities, and robust support services to empower students.