University of Wisconsin-Platteville

University center name
EDA University Center at University of Wisconsin-Platteville
1 University Plaza Stop 1, Platteville, Wisconsin 53818-3099
Year one
John Fick, EDA University Center Coordinator ([email protected])
Additional Contact
John Fick, EDA University Center Coordinator, [email protected], 608-342-7528

The EDA University Center at UW-Platteville will unleash the potential of UW-Platteville campuses to cultivate innovation across the very rural southwest Wisconsin by offering three easy-access services: 1) DIY Connect: we open our labs to public use to provide technical assistance to growing entrepreneurs, 2) Solutions Center: we provide student and faculty-supported technical assistance to help our established business adapt and thrive. 3) Driftless Fellowship: we conduct applied research and disseminate the results to help regional leaders define and share our vision for an innovative regional economy.