News Listing

Displaying 1331 - 1340 of 1348

May 1, 2017

Success Story: KCSourceLink: Helping Entrepreneurs Connect the Dots

Our University Centers are making a real difference in providing the support businesses and communities need for success. One example is the University of Missouri Kansas City’s KCSourceLink University Center program, which connects a network of over 240 entrepreneurs and small businesses in the 18-county Kansas City region to find the right business resources to start, scale or accelerate.
  • Blog
April 1, 2017

Spotlight: Innovative Data Tools for Communities, Economic Developers and Businesses

Did you know that EDA partners with businesses and universities through its Research and National Technical Assistance program (PDF) to develop and disseminate “data tools” on emerging economic development concepts? These tools are paving pathways of success for economic development and innovation by helping communities develop strategic plans, locate and evaluate regional clusters, explore existing innovation capacity and much more.
  • Blog
April 1, 2017

Highlight: StatsAmerica: Energizing Your Region’s Economy with Innovation Index 2.0

EDA’s most recently developed tool is StatsAmerica’s Innovation Index 2.0 (II 2.0). Developed by the Indiana Business Research Center at Indiana University and funded by EDA, this tool provides practitioners an easy-to-compare method of assessing the innovation capacity of their region with data from four areas: human capital, economic dynamics, productivity and employment, and well-being.
  • Blog
April 1, 2017

Highlight: StatsAmerica: Energizing Your Region’s Economy with Innovation Index 2.0

EDA’s most recently developed tool is StatsAmerica’s Innovation Index 2.0 (II 2.0). Developed by the Indiana Business Research Center at Indiana University and funded by EDA, this tool provides practitioners an easy-to-compare method of assessing the innovation capacity of their region with data from four areas: human capital, economic dynamics, productivity and employment, and well-being.
  • Blog
April 1, 2017

Spotlight: Innovative Data Tools for Communities, Economic Developers and Businesses

​Did you know that EDA partners with businesses and universities through its Research and National Technical Assistance program to develop and disseminate “data tools” on emerging economic development concepts? These tools are paving pathways of success for economic development and innovation by helping communities develop strategic plans, locate and evaluate regional clusters, explore existing innovation capacity and much more.
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