SPRINT Challenge

On April 6, 2021, EDA announced the FY 2020 Scaling Pandemic Resilience Through Innovation and Technology (SPRINT) Challenge grantees. You can view the list of 2021 recipients here.
SPRINT Challenge awardees are leading projects that address the economic, health, and safety risks caused by the coronavirus pandemic through regional innovation and supporting the growth of scalable, technology-driven businesses. This national competition was designed to support the development, creation, or expansion of programs that accelerate technology-based economic development and respond to the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The SPRINT Challenge is administered under the EDA’s Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) program, which is authorized under Section 209 of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 (PWEDA) (42 U.S.C. § 3149).
Grantees presented a clearly defined strategy to leverage grant funds to support one or more of the following activities to help address the needs of and unique operating environment necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic:
- Scaling biotechnology, health security, and supply chain technologies to market
- Increasing regional, national, and government connectivity to support commercialization and entrepreneurship
- Developing new and unique investment capital models to address the financial needs of entrepreneurs
- Developing and scaling entrepreneurship support models to address the virtual and remote work environment of the pandemic
- SPRINT Competition Debrief Webinar
FY 2020 SPRINT Challenge NOFO (PDF, 422.59 KB)
FY 2020 SPRINT Challenge FAQs (PDF, 280.75 KB)
SPRINT Challenge Overview (PDF, 488.1 KB)
- SPRINT Informational Webinar
- SPRINT Technical Webinar with NADO and SSTI
Optional Budget Template (PDF, 70.64 KB)
- FY 2020 SPRINT Challenge Full Application on Grants.gov
SPRINT Challenge Application Checklist (PDF, 61.21 KB)
Applicant Tutorials
Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #SPRINTChallenge
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