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Program # of Grants EDA Funds
Economic Adjustment Assistance 3 $511,864
Planning 5 $570,000
Technical Assistance 1 $100,000
Total 9 $1,181,864

During Fiscal Year 2013, EDA invested $1,181,864 in nine projects in the State of Arizona.

EDA’s investments help Arizona communities achieve bottom-up, locally-defined economic development goals and strategies.

EDA offers a complementary, balanced portfolio of grant programs designed to help rural and urban communities grow their private sectors and create jobs.

Investment Spotlight: Manufacturing Resurgence in the Southwest

The resurgence of manufacturing, the drive for increased exports, and recognition of the importance of our border communities have converged in southeastern Arizona and New Mexico in Innovation Frontier Southwest. Led by the Campus Research Corporation of the University of Arizona, University Research Parks Innovation Frontier Southwest was selected for a Phase I Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership award. Awards under this initiative are designed to accelerate the resurgence of manufacturing and help cultivate an environment for businesses to create well-paying manufacturing jobs in regions across the country.  

Regional partnerships spanned two states to include Tech Parks Arizona, the University of Arizona’s technology-parks arm; Pima County; the Arizona Commerce Authority; the city of Tucson; the Greater Yuma Economic Development Corp.; the New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership; New Mexico State University Engineering/New Mexico Resource Network; and Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities.

The focus of Innovation Frontier Southwest is to build capacity; determine current assets and deficits in infrastructure, workforce, and policy; and conduct a supply chain analysis for aerospace and defense manufacturing in the region.

EDA awarded $200,000 of the total $457,390 project costs for this project. The strategy is expected to be complete by the end of 2014.

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