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EDA Construction Grant Post Approval Process Tool for Grant Recipients
(Version 5.2)

The EDA Construction Grant Post Approval Process Tool is an interactive program that assists Recipients through every stage of the post award grant process, from quarterly progress reports, design contract approval, bid documents compliance, bid opening concurrences, financial reimbursements, closeout process, etc. Once an EDA grant is awarded for a construction project, an EDA Engineer/Construction Manager will hold a kickoff meeting with the grantee and other key personnel for the project, explaining this Tool and how the process works.

*Important Download Instructions*

After downloading this Zip file, you will need to extract or unpack it so you can access the files and links contained within the Tool:

  1. After clicking on the link above, you will have the option to “Save File” or “Open.” Choose “Save File” to save the Zip file to a location on your computer.
  2. Once you have saved the Zip file to your computer, locate the zipped folder so you can unzip (extract) files or folders.
  3. To unzip (extract) all of the contents of the zipped folder, right-click on the folder, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
  4. Once you have extracted all documents, open the Adobe Acrobat document titled “MAINPAGE_EDA CONSTRUCTION POST APPROVAL PROCESS_KPAI_2022_V5.2.” This document contains embedded links for you to click on, allowing you to access the Tool’s internal documents and website links.

GPRA Forms

For more information about GPRA reporting, click here.

Standard Terms and Conditions for RLF and Construction Projects

Additional Links

Indirect Cost Rate Forms and Information

  • Indirect Cost Instructions
    The EDA has entered into a working relationship with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Interior Business Center (IBC) to issue indirect cost rates to organizations for which EDA is the cognizant agency for indirect costs. Effective August 1, 2017, the Office of Indirect Cost Services for IBC (IBC/ICS) will collect the required documents, negotiate, issue and countersign indirect rate agreements for your organization. For organizations for whom EDA is their cognizant agency, there is updated guidance on what this means, how this impacts your organization, and who you can reach out to with any questions.
  • Certificate of Indirect Costs Template (PDF)
  • Certificate of Indirect Costs – De Minimis Rate Template for Governmental Entities (DOCX)
    This template is for governmental departments or agencies that receive less than $35M in direct Federal funding and do not have a negotiated indirect cost rate.
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