Program | # of Grants | EDA Funds |
Economic Adjustment Assistance | 4 | $3,967,380 |
Public Works | 6 | $12,952,826 |
Regional Innovation Strategies | 3 | $1,472,739 |
Planning | 7 | $480,000 |
Technical Assistance |
6 | $744,827 |
Total | 26 | $19,617,772 |
Located just north of Sacramento, the city of Willows in Glenn County, California has struggled to recover from the recession. With an unemployment rate of 10%, the area’s economy has further been hindered by ongoing drought. Willows needed to improve critical infrastructure for the city’s commercial center to allow food manufacturing and other key sectors to grow.
To help spur the local economic recovery, EDA awarded the city $2.5 million in public works fund in August 2015 to upgrade roadway, sewer, and water infrastructure for the commercial center. In the near term, this EDA investment will allow a major employer that needs more space to expand its business and diversify its products to stay in Willows. Perhaps more importantly, this project will enable the city to leverage the region's agricultural and production cluster by expanding access to commercial space and transportation. By upgrading critical physical infrastructure and increasing the capacity of its commercial center, the city of Willows can begin to target additional manufacturers and business enterprises. According to grantee estimates, this investment will save 100 jobs and generate more than $32 million in private investment.