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New Hampshire

Program # of Grants EDA Funds
Partnership Planning 4 $240,000
Public Works 2 $1,618,800
Total 6 $1,858,800

In 2012, the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) and Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC) joined together to create a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for their combined regions, which encompasses 26 communities in Merrimack and Hillsborough Counties, including the state capital of Concord.1

In FY 2016, EDA invested $30,000 in Partnership Planning funds to support updating and implementing the joint CNHRPC-SNHPC CEDS. The CEDS process is designed to bring together both public and private sectors to promote the creation of an economic development roadmap that diversifies and strengthens the regional economy.

This planning project will cover 22 percent of New Hampshire’s population and workforce. The CEDS is essential to the region’s plans to seek designation as New Hampshire’s fourth Economic Development District, which will provide an improved foundation for regional economic development planning. This EDA investment is anticipated to establish an economic development planning framework, process, and strategy that supports private capital investment and job creation in the region.

1. Because the City of Manchester received its own CEDS grant in 2011, New Hampshire’s largest City was not included in the 2012 regional CEDS effort.
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