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New Jersey Innovation Institute, Inc.


Newark, NJ

Project Name

The New Jersey Biopharmaceuticals Innovation and Enterprise Development Center (Bio-Foundry)



Award Amount

Federal Share

Local Match



The New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) will lead the creation of the New Jersey Biopharmaceuticals Innovation and Enterprise Development Center (the Bio-Foundry). The Bio-Foundry will bring together a network of partners to expand a nascent innovation biopharmaceuticals cluster in New Jersey, including cell and gene therapies and biologics.

The network will: 1) scout and match emerging research discoveries at top universities in the region and throughout the US; 2) nurture and curate new ventures with both technical and business support; and 3) connect and expand the innovation ecosystem – including funding, facilities, and mentoring – to support increasing economic activity within New Jersey in this fast-growing sector. The project’s efforts will concentrate on the “commercialization” stage of technology innovation while maintaining tight connections with the many “proof of concept” resources in the state to ensure a continuum of new and growing businesses in the cluster.

By the end of the three-year grant period, NJII anticipates the project will have created 15 new companies that support 75 new jobs, with another 45 new companies in the pipeline.

Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE)

Build To Scale (B2S)
formerly Regional Innovation Strategies Program (RIS)

SPRINT Challenge

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Accelerate R2 Network Challenge

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