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The Research Foundation for SUNY at Binghamton University


Binghamton, NY

Project Name

Binghamton Acceleration of Cleantech Entrepreneurial and Economic Development (XCEED)



Award Amount

Federal Share

Local Match



The Binghamton Acceleration of Cleantech Entrepreneurial and Economic Development (XCEED) initiative is designed to invigorate the growth of a cleantech innovation cluster in the Greater Binghamton Area of Upstate New York. In its effort to embrace New York cleantech initiatives and to transform from a declining industrial hub into a center of innovation and industry, the Greater Binghamton Area has faced major challenges in technology commercialization, startup formation, and talent retention.

Capitalizing on Binghamton University and Binghamton Incubator Program resources, XCEED will address these ecosystem gaps through novel entrepreneurship mentoring and support programming. The programs, focused specifically on translating academic discoveries and supporting student entrepreneurship, will create a pipeline for accelerating commercialization of cleantech innovations and the launch of home-grown cleantech ventures.

The project will yield returns in terms of company formation, job creation, and the launch of new products and services. Specifically, five years after the end of the grant, XCEED expects to have formed 40 companies, created 150 jobs, and filed 40 patent applications.

Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE)

Build To Scale (B2S)
formerly Regional Innovation Strategies Program (RIS)

SPRINT Challenge

STEM Talent Challenge

Accelerate R2 Network Challenge

National Advisory Council on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (NACIE)

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