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Smart City Works, Inc.

Northern Virginia Smart Region Initiative
Reston, VA
i6 Challenge
Federal Share: $750,000.00
Local Match: $750,000.00

The Northern Virginia Smart Region Initiative brings together government, educational, corporate, and nonprofit partners to advance and strengthen the smart city technology innovation cluster in Northern Virginia. It is led by Smart City Works, a nonprofit business accelerator whose mission is to improve the livability and resilience of cities. Since 2016, Smart City Works has built a reputation as a leader in the emerging ecosystem of businesses, universities, and governments in Northern Virginia investing in smart city technologies and has launched more than 20 companies with market-ready solutions that respond to key infrastructure challenges. Its main partner, Refraction, is a leading nonprofit innovation hub supporting and mentoring startups and high-growth companies.

With the i6 Challenge grant, the Initiative will: 1) accelerate the development and lower the risk profile of companies seeking to provide innovative solutions to infrastructure challenges; 2) grow the number of startups and highly skilled tech talent in the region; (3) accelerate the commercialization of innovative products and 4) strengthen the regional smart city cluster supporting innovation, entrepreneurship, and commercialization.

Over the three-year grant period, the Northern Virginia Smart Region Initiative will create a stronger innovation cluster that will attract talent and capital to the region, stimulate economic development that benefits the entire community, and help to solve the region’s infrastructure challenges. We expect over 45 companies will graduate from our accelerator program, 30 new smart city products will be launched, 60 apprentices will be trained, and 90 new jobs will be created.

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