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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Omaha Medical Technology Pipeline
Omaha, NE
i6 Challenge
Federal Share: $750,000.00
Local Match: $750,000.00

Omaha Medical Technology Pipeline is a joint effort among the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the Nebraska Business Development Center, Metropolitan Community College, and the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The project will align and motivate existing infrastructure to support medical technology innovation and commercialization. Nationally recognized hospitals in Omaha employ some of the most innovative and respected clinicians. Omaha has also recently added critical resources to shepherd innovative medical technologies from concept to commercialization. While Omaha has a growing stable of promising medical technology concepts, the city lacks the programmatic oversight to both align and oversee the commercialization process. Omaha now has world-class resources to match the expertise of its physicians to prototype, validate and embody medical technology in life-saving entrepreneurial opportunities.

This project will harness the impressive resources throughout the community to invent, build and commercialize new medical devices. At the end of this project, the University of Nebraska’s biomedical startup accelerator, UNeTech Institute, expects to process 60 new medical technology inventions, file 60 patents or copyrights n launch or expand 25 companies, create meaningful, real-world work experiences for more than 60 undergraduate and graduate students in 3D design, rapid prototyping, market analysis and marketing, create or retain more than 100 jobs, and engage 200+ participants in the medical technology pipeline.

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