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Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern PA


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Project Name

Greater Philadelphia Impact Partners


Seed Fund Support

Award Amount

$250,000 for Greater Philadelphia Impact Partners

The Greater Philadelphia area has many of the key assets and attributes necessary to pioneer the development of the emerging Impact economy; one that promotes development of new and existing ventures which bear multiple bottom line success, while providing investment opportunities that yield positive financial and social returns.

The EDA Regional Innovation Strategies Seed Fund Support grant will support the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern PA to develop the Greater Philadelphia Impact Partners, a fund to spur growth of impact-focused ventures that  provide qualified opportunities for investment. True to Benjamin Franklin’s dictum of, “Doing well by doing good,” the Greater Philadelphia Impact Partners will create a scalable framework to promote growth of investment capital, venture creation, jobs and revenue, all focused on profitable businesses that address the modern societal challenges present in our region, and worldwide.  Greater Philadelphia Impact Partners is one element of a broader regional impact strategy being undertaken as part of a  collaboration among the region’s business, investment, higher education, government, philanthropic and economic development communities.

Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OIE)

Build To Scale (B2S)
formerly Regional Innovation Strategies Program (RIS)

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