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California State University, Chico

Name of UC Center for Economic Development (CED)
Location California State University, Chico 400 West First Street Chico, CA 95929
EDA Regional Office Seattle
Year One 2017
Contact Hayley Stone, Project Manager ([email protected])
Principal Investigator(s) Courtney Farrell, Project Manager, [email protected], 530- 898-4598
Website https://www.nspdc.csuchico.edu/#/ced/howwecanhelp

Ten years ago, the CED partnered with the Office of Community and Economic Development (OCED) at California State University, Fresno to create the only EDA UC Consortium in the Seattle Region. This partnership not only expanded the territory served by these two organizations, but strengthened the relationships throughout the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, increased programmatic opportunities, and leveraged best practices and lessons learned through experience and time. This year, the CED and OCED’s application will include an additional University partner: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly, SLO). All three University’s deliver programs and resources that complement each other and expand their territory to almost three-quarters of the state. This will benefit all three regions by exploring innovative strategies to stabilize and grow traditional industries while integrating technology, science, and funding to create and expand high-growth industries which will transform business and workforce opportunities. The ultimate goal is to retain and attract talent throughout our regions thereby strengthening the state’s economic base.


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