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Oklahoma - Southern Oklahoma Development Association (SODA)

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BigLots! Distribution Center in Durant, OK

The Southern Oklahoma Development Association (SODA) was one of the first three organizations to be designated by EDA as an Economic Development District. It was designated on February 2, 1967, and is still going strong 50 years later. In the past 15 years, the District has assisted the region in securing EDA grants of over $6.5 million that have or will result in the creation of over 800 jobs and attraction of $85 million in private investment. An example of the lasting impact SODA has made was its work in helping to secure a BigLots! Distribution Center in Durant, Oklahoma in 2004. Since that time, BigLots! has maintained a constant work force of 250-300 people and is a significant economic driver for the City of Durant, Bryon County, and Southern Oklahoma.

Tags: Economic Development Districts

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