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Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District – Mississippi: Designation Date - 6/22/1967


As a result of the collaboration fostered through the CEDS process, Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District, over its 50-year history, has been able to help diversify and grow the region’s economy by helping to attract more than $685 million in private sector investment; private investment that has helped to create and save more than 10,624 jobs for local citizens.

Impressive projects generated as a result of this regional focus in Southern Mississippi include:

In Bay Springs, EDA invested $1.7 million in September 2012 to construct a workforce training center to support businesses in the oil drilling manufacturing, engineering, publishing, and medical industries. These businesses have committed to employ over 391 graduates and generate $10 million in private investment.

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Officials break ground to expand the Jones County Junior College workforce training center

In 2017, EDA provided a $909,686 grant through the Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District and on behalf of Greene County and Jones County Junior College to expand an existing workforce training center that provides critical workforce training in support of the region’s ship building and marine industries. The investment is expected to help create 250 new jobs.

Tags: Economic Development Districts

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