Upgraded Rail Line Spurs Private Investment in Greenfield, Ohio

An upgraded 29.5-mile rail line in rural Greenfield, Ohio has helped spur $10 million in private investment thanks in part to a $2.6 million EDA infrastructure investment.
To better serve existing manufacturers and attract new manufacturers, the city pursued a strategy to make major upgrades to the rail line, which was purchased in 1988 after CSX announced plans to abandon it. The project also included major renovation of the bridge over Paint Creek, repairs to another bridge, load ratings for 13 bridges, rehabilitation of 24 railroad crossings between Greenfield and Midland, upgrades of crossing signals at nine locations, and turnout rehabilitation.
Today, estimated job creation estimates for the project have exceeded expectations.

The sources of employment and private investment impacts have been from firms such as Candle-lite in Leesburg, Ohio, Huhtamaki in New Vienna, Ohio, and Adient in Greenfield, Ohio. The EDA infrastructure investment has helped to create or retain 870 jobs in the region.
The EDA grant, along with a combined amount of approximately $1.4 million in local matching funds, allowed for the project to get underway. The project included the replacement of 12,000 cross ties, replacement of switch ties, installation of 24,000 tie plates, 2,500 rail anchors, and ditching work.
Tags: Infrastructure