All Funding Opportunities

Fraud Alert

EDA has become aware of a telephone/email scam in which the perpetrator claims that the victim has won an EDA award and needs to provide personal information and a processing fee to claim it. Please note that EDA does not provide grants or other forms of financial assistance or benefits (including unemployment benefits) to individuals and does not ask individuals to disclose personal information. In addition, EDA does not require applicants to submit a processing or other fee. EDA grants can only be obtained by following the procedures described in the Notices of Funding Opportunities provided for the programs below.

If you believe you have been the victim of one of these scams, or for more information, please read the following notice.

For more details, please refer to the individual program pages below for any applicable deadlines, NOFOs, and additional information. Please note that all applications must be submitted through or EDA's EDGE system for consideration. If you have any questions or are looking for additional support, please contact the relevant Economic Development Representative for your state or district.

Find more information on EDA's Funding Opportunities and Resources (PDF).

Displaying 21 - 30 of 39

Fiscal Year 2021 University Center Economic Development Program (UC) Competition

Application Deadline:
The U.S. Economic Development Administration has published the FY 2021 University Center Economic Development Program Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity (PDF), making $7.4 million in federal funds available to accredited institutions of higher education or a consortium of accredited institutions of higher education in EDA’s Chicago and Philadelphia regions. A combined total of $2.5 million is available for the first year of awards under this competition.

Fiscal Year 2022 Build to Scale (B2S) Program

Application Deadline:
The U.S. Economic Development Administration has published the FY22 Build to Scale (B2S) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity making $45 million in federal funds available to build regional economies through scalable startups. The program continues to further technology-based economic development initiatives that accelerate high quality job growth, create more economic opportunities, and support the next generation of industry leading companies. Under the FY22 B2S program, EDA is soliciting applications for two separate Challenges – the Venture Challenge and Capital Challenge. The Venture Challenge seeks to support entrepreneurship and accelerate scalable companies’ growth in communities that are challenging the status quo of markets, commercializing technology, and furthering job creation. The Capital Challenge seeks to increase access to capital in communities, sectors, or regions where risk capital is in short supply. This includes accelerators, educational institutions, angel networks, and investment funds (B2S does not directly fund individuals or individual startups). For full program details, please visit the Build to Scale website.

Fiscal Year 2022 CARES Act Economic Recovery Corps and Equity Impact Investments Programs

Application Deadline: Closed. EDA is no longer accepting applications for funding under this program.
The Economic Development Administration (EDA) has published the FY 2022 CARES Act Economic Recovery Corps and Equity Impact Investments Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). This NOFO funds two distinct programs that are designed to provide support to underserved communities across the country in their efforts to develop successful economic development plans and projects. The first program (NOFO pages 4-8) is a network of Economic Recovery Corps fellows to add human capital to local organizations focused on improving economic resilience and competitiveness in distressed regions across the country. The second program (NOFO pages 8-11) is Equity Impact Investments that provides technical assistance to enable organizations serving underserved populations and communities to participate in economic development planning and projects.

Fiscal Year 2022 University Center Economic Development Program (UC) Competition

Application Deadline:
The U.S. Economic Development Administration has published the FY 2022 University Center Economic Development Program Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity (PDF), making $8.4 million in federal funds available to accredited institutions of higher education or a consortium of accredited institutions of higher education in EDA’s Atlanta and Seattle regions. A combined total of $2.4 million is available for the first year of awards under this competition.

Fiscal Year 2023 Build to Scale (B2S) Program

Application Deadline: Closed. EDA is no longer accepting applications for funding under this program.
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) has published the Fiscal Year 2023 Build to Scale (B2S) program Notice of Funding Opportunity, making $50 million available to eligible entities to increase regional capacity to strengthen ecosystems that equitably and inclusively support diverse technology innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups. These regions are growing technology-driven businesses; creating high-skill, high-wage jobs; and building the industries of the future. The program aims to build regional economies through scalable startups via two competitions – the Venture Challenge and the Capital Challenge.

Fiscal Year 2023 STEM Talent Challenge

Application Deadline:
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) has published the Fiscal Year 2023 STEM Talent Challenge Notice of Funding Opportunity making $4.5 million available to eligible entities to create and implement STEM talent development strategies that complement their region’s innovation economy. The STEM Talent Challenge provides funding for work-and-learn programs to increase America’s STEM-capable workforce in emerging and transformative sectors such as aerospace, aeronautics, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, and cybersecurity, among others.

Fiscal Year 2023 University Center Economic Development (UC) Competition

Application Deadline:
The U.S. Economic Development Administration has published the FY 2023 University Center Economic Development Program Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity, making $8.4 million in federal funds available to accredited institutions of higher education or a consortium of accredited institutions of higher education in EDA’s Austin and Denver regions.

Fiscal Year 2024 Build to Scale NOFO

Application Deadline:
The U.S. Economic Development Administration is accepting applications for its FY24 $50 million Build to Scale (B2S) program to support organizations that strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems to support entrepreneurs as they build and scale technology-driven businesses—and the employees in the new, good jobs they create—to make and deliver new technology products and services. B2S grants fund programs that support innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups transforming ideas into the critical, emerging technologies of the future.

Fiscal Year 2024 Good Jobs Challenge NOFO

Application Deadline:
EDA will support regional workforce training systems in designing and implementing activities for established sectoral partnerships that meet the existing and emerging skills needs of employers and that train and place program participants into good jobs. These systems will help to grow regional economies and their associated workforces and must advance technology-based industries that fortify the economic and national security of the United States.

Good Jobs Challenge (FY21 American Rescue Plan)

Application Deadline: Closed. EDA is no longer accepting applications for funding under this program.
Through the Good Jobs Challenge, EDA is allocating $500 million to collaborative skills training systems and programs. EDA encourages efforts to reach historically underserved populations and areas, communities of color, women, and other groups facing labor market barriers such as persons with disabilities, disconnected youth, individuals in recovery, individuals with past criminal records, including justice impacted and reentry participants, serving trainees participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and veterans and military spouses.