Archived Awards Content

Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.

RNTA Current Projects

The following list includes current RNTA projects. For completed research and tools, please reference the EDA Research Reports and the Tools for Economic Development. To learn more about these RNTA projects, please contact [email protected].

Research and Evaluation Projects

  1. Developing A University Center Cohort

    Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University University Economic Development Association  (UEDA)
    This project will build a supportive cohort of EDA-funded UCs and connect them with the broader economic development ecosystem. The team will also identify and address key challenges and opportunities facing UCs and promote innovative   UC solutions and successful   approaches. For more information, please view their website.

  2. National Economic Research and Resilience Center (NERRC)

    Argonne National Laboratory
    The National Economic Research and Resilience Center (NERRC) provides innovative and transparent economic data access, research, and analysis to support and strengthen economic development and resilience in communities across the nation.

    1. National Economic Data Explorer (NERDE)
    2. Economic Development Capacity Index (EDCI)
    3. Recompete Eligibility Tool
  3. Understanding Impact: EDA Evaluation

    Urban Institute
    This project is conducting a program evaluation of infrastructure and non-infrastructure EDA grants from 2010 – 2019. Using the knowledge from this evaluation, Urban Institute will produce a series of policy briefs highlighting important findings and develop an immersive narrative microsite that supports EDA’s mission. To read the published briefs, please visit their website and the EDA At Work page.

  4. Updating Industrial Clusters

    Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD)
    This award will update existing industry cluster definitions and identify new clusters based upon the business and industry, occupations, and skills, of the 21st century economy. The work will culminate in a website that houses a technical report outlining the new definitions, data dashboards, and an interactive mapping component.

    For more information, please view the award announcement.

National Technical Assistance Projects

  1. University Center Hub

    Civic Roundtable
    To better address the growing needs of the EDA University Center portfolio, an award has been made to Civic Roundtable to create the UC Hub, an innovative project designed to maximize the impact of the UC program.

    The UC Hub will provide a digital platform for connectivity and cooperation between University Centers and regional stakeholders, allowing these economic development leaders to share and access resources such as whitepapers and datasets, interact with each other through a facilitated discussion forum, and identify opportunities for collaboration. Built on the Civic Roundtable platform, the UC Hub will provide a centralized location for participant interaction.

    For more information, please view the award announcement.

  2. Equitable Lending Leaders: Fostering Inclusive Entrepreneurial Lending in Indigenous Communities

    Recast City and the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
    This award will develop and manage a first-of-its-kind cohort training program for Indigenous-led and Indigenous-serving RLFs. Training will focus on topics such as social impact-based underwriting criteria, targeted program marketing, and other policies and procedures that will enhance their ability to serve Indigenous enterprises.

    For more information, please view the award announcement .