Archived Grants Content
Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.
2015 EDA Grants
December 28 - 31, 2015
$2,425,380 in Public Works funds to the Grenada County Board of Supervisors and the Grenada County Economic Development District, Grenada, Mississippi, to fund critical infrastructure improvements for the Business and Technology Park North, which serves an eight-county region in Southeast Mississippi.
November 16 - 20, 2015
$6,839,723 in Economic Adjustment funds to the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, to fund the acquisition of specialized equipment and the establishment of an Industry Advisory Committee to oversee the development of the Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence, a unit within the Ohio State University, which will establish a new model for economic development to support small and mid-sized defense manufacturers in the region.
October 12 - 16, 2015
EDA announced 16 POWER investments greater than $100,000 during the period October 12-16, 2015 totaling $8,811,535.
September 28-October 2, 2015
$7,102,112 in Economic Adjustment funds to Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, to enable Wichita State University, which leads the South Kansas consortia as a designated manufacturing community under the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP), to enhance development and commercialization networks that support manufacturers, innovators, and entrepreneurs engaged in technology-based economic development focused on the potential for expanding technology transfer and identifying methods to accelerate the commercialization of defense-related products.
September 21 - 25, 2015
$1,985,218 in Public Works funds to the Fresh Ministries and the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture, Jackson, Florida, to support construction of the Agri-Business Economic Development Center in the U.S. Virgin Islands for use by the Fueling Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (FEED) program.
September 14 - 18, 2015
$1.416 million in Economic Adjustment funds to the Florida Institute of Technology, Inc., Melbourne, Florida, to fund construction of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Innovative Design in Brevard County.
September 7 - 11, 2015
$1,971,110 in Public Works funds to the Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College, Orangeburg, South Carolina to support construction of a new workforce training facility for health sciences and nursing programs on the campus of Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College.
August 31-September 4, 2015
$8.084 million in Economic Adjustment funds to the University of Florida-Board of Trustees, Gainesville, Florida, to support Phase II development of the Innovation Hub on the University of Florida’s Gainesville campus.
August 24 - 28, 2015
$2.7 million in Public Works funds to the Williamsport Municipal Water and Sanitary Authority, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, to support construction of a water main to replace the existing undersized/dilapidated water infrastructure.
August 17 - 21, 2015
$1.4 million in Public Works funds to the Hartsville-Trousdale Water and Sewer Utility District/Hartsville-Trousdale County, Tennessee, to fund construction of critical infrastructure improvements to the PowerCom Industrial Center in Hartsville.
August 10 - 14, 2015
$1,073,594 in Public Works funds to the City of Ansonia, Connecticut, to fund construction of utility and road improvements to support Phase II development of the Foundation Lake Commerce Center.
August 3 - 7, 2015
$3 million in Public Works funds to the Klamath Community College, Klamath Falls, Oregon, to support construction of the Klamath Community College Work Skills Technology Center in Klamath County.
July 20 - 24, 2015
$2,017,501 in Economic Adjustment Assistance to the Isothermal Community College/The Trustees of Isothermal Community College, Spindale, North Carolina, to support construction of the Isothermal Comprehensive Applied Sciences and Workforce Development Center on the campus of Isothermal Community College.
July 13 - 17, 2015
$2 million in Public Works funds to the Port of Port Angeles, Washington, to support the renovation of a composite recycling technology center in Clallam County, Washington. The facility will house industrial and workforce training programs specializing in recycling of composite waste materials to create employment opportunities for the region’s residents, and improve the regional economy.
July 6 - 10, 2015
$2,499,474 in Economic Adjustment Assistance funds to the University of Southern California/University of California-Riverside, California, to provide technical assistance to the University of Southern California in partnership with the University of California-Riverside and over 80 other partners to develop organizational capacity within the region to administer the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership.
June 29 - 3, 2015
$1,018,633 in Public Works funds to Butler County, Missouri to fund construction of a railroad bridge overpass over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at the entrance of the Poplar Bluff Industrial Park, the region’s largest industrial park. The new overpass will allow increased access to the Park enabling industries constrained by limitations on the road to expand and grow. The expanded access will attract more start-up businesses and entrepreneurs to the region, promoting job creation and economic growth. This investment is part of a $2,611,880 project that the grantee estimates will create 50 jobs and leverage $2 million in private investment.
June 22 - 26, 2015
$580,200 in Public Works funds to the City of Canyon, Texas, to construct critical sewer infrastructure to support the proposed agriculture manufacturing park in Randall County.
June 20 - 27, 2015
$817,726 in Public Works funds to the City of Glenwood, Arkansas, to construct critical road, water, and sewer infrastructure to support the continued operations and expansion of a sawmill in Glenwood.
June 15 - 19, 2015
$1.5 million in Public Works funds to the City of Walker, Louisiana, to provide critical water, sewer, and roadway infrastructure to support the development of the Walker Industrial Park.
June 8 - 12, 2015
$1.25 million in Public Works funds to Independence County, Arkansas, to support rail, road, and sewer infrastructure for the new Batesville feed mill.
June 1 - 5, 2015
$862,557 in Public Works funds to Artspace Projects, Inc., Loveland, Colorado, to support the rehabilitation of Loveland’s historic Feed & Grain Building for use as a creative arts business incubator to serve businesses and entrepreneurs in the Larimer County region severely impacted by the Colorado flood disaster of 2013.
May 25 - 29, 2015
$992,687 in Public Works funds to the Maine Department of Transportation, Augusta, Maine, to support construction of an interchange on Interstate 95 at Trafton Road and the realignment of an adjacent roadway to provide unobstructed access to existing industrial facilities in Waterville.
May 18 - 22, 2018
$2.181 million in Economic Adjustment funds to the Ogden City Corporation, Ogden, Utah, to fund construction of a water line to support development of a new advanced manufacturing facility at the Ogden Business Exchange, Utah’s first lifestyle business park.
April 27-May 1, 2015
$1 million in Public Works funds to the Wilson Community College and the Wilson Community College Foundation, Wilson, North Carolina, to renovate and customize two buildings on the Wilson Community College Lee Campus for workforce training in advanced transportation and industrial maintenance and operations. The region’s industry and facilities have suffered from a shortage of skilled workers in these fields.
April 13 - 17, 2015
$1.5 million in Public Works funds to the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, to construct critical road and waste water infrastructure to upgrade and expand the Muskogee Industrial Park.
April 6 - 10, 2015
$904,588 in Economic Adjustment assistance funds to the Southwest Tennessee Community College/Memphis Tennessee Board of Regents, Shelby County, Tennessee, to construct a new two-story business and industry facility on the Macon Cove Campus of the Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis.
March 30-April 3, 2015
$895,000 in Public Works funds to the Treasure Coast Research, Education, and Development Authority, Fort Pierce, Florida, to construct the Center for AgriLife Research and Entrepreneurship (CARE) Incubator Project in the Treasure Coast Research Park.
March 23 - 27, 2015
$3 million in Public Works funds to the Findlay Township Municipal Authority, Clinton, Pennsylvania, to support construction of a wastewater treatment plant in Findlay Township, a critical growth area near the Pittsburgh International Airport.
March 10 - 13, 2015
$1.2 million in Public Works funds to the Southwest Key Programs, Austin, Texas, to construct and renovate infrastructure in East Austin to create a mixed-use commercial center to grow small businesses and develop innovation-based industry clusters.
March 2 - 9, 2015
$2 million in Public Works funds to Davidson County Community College/Davidson County Community College Foundation, Lexington, North Carolina, to construct the new Health Sciences Building on the Davidson County Community College’s main campus.