February 10 - 14, 2014
- $1,071,000 in Public Works funds to Dillon County, South Carolina, to construct core road infrastructure to open up two Dillon County industrial parks for economic development. Growth in the Tri-County I-95 Gateway Industrial Park and the I-95 Mega Site Industrial Park will create new jobs, generate private investment, and enhance the region’s potential for future business growth. This investment is part of a $1.53 million project that the grantee estimates will create 150 jobs and leverage $60 million in private investment.
- $400,000 in Economic Adjustment funds to the Zapata Economic Development Corporation (ZEDC), Zapata, Texas, to support collaboration with regional stakeholders to develop public-private partnerships that will increase the region's competitiveness, map the region's assets and develop a list of target industries that will drive economic diversification beyond the traditional tourism, agriculture, and energy industries. In addition, ZEDC will identify and develop strategies to address weaknesses in workforce training, infrastructure, and other critical areas that have previously inhibited economic development. This investment is part of a $500,000 project.