
January 9 - 16, 2025

EDA announced 13 investments from January 9 – January 16, 2025, totaling $34,621,954 which is matched by $8,957,320 in local investments. These investments include the following:

  1. $30,376,837 in eleven Economic Adjustment Assistance-2023 Disaster Supplemental projects to help regions that are experiencing severe economic distress or other economic hardship resulting from Hurricanes Ian and Fiona, wildfires, flooding, and other natural disasters occurring in calendar years 2021 and 2022, and to help create 226 jobs, create and/or save 20 jobs, and leverage $141,780,000 in private investment.
  2. $80,000 in one Planning and Local Technical Assistance project to strengthen the capacity of local or state organizations and institutions to undertake and promote effective economic development programs.
  3. $4,165,117 in one Economic Adjustment Assistance project to help communities design and implement strategies to adjust or bring about change to their economy in response to structural damage to their underlying economic base.


  • $30,376,837 in eleven 2023 Disaster Supplemental projects, matched by $7,895,975 in local investments, as follows:
    • $3,263,176 to Kansas State University, Manhattan/Riley County, KS, to support advancing resiliency in the state’s agricultural industry by constructing a facility that expands workforce development opportunities for natural resource and wildfire risk management. The facility will include a modernized fire equipment shop, an emergency response training and agricultural technology and mechanics teaching lab, and a multipurpose classroom for teaching and workforce training. The project will help place individuals in skilled occupations such as fire safety, arboriculture, wildlife biology and more. The project will support the growth of natural resource management businesses, enhance the state’s disaster preparedness, and foster long-term economic development throughout the region.
    • $3,002,788 to Fort Hays State University – North Central Kansas Technical College, Beloit/Mitchell County, KS, to support purchasing heavy machinery to train students, increasing the number of trained individuals in the region and their ability to attain professional certifications. The project will help address the regional need to have trained machinery operators to assist with disaster response and recovery in northcentral and northwest Kansas, and the program is estimated to place 30 graduates per year. In addition, the project equipment will support the agribusiness cluster by enabling critical infrastructure improvements, such as rebuilding access roads, creating waterways, installing culverts, and building ponds to reduce flooding risks for crops, homes, and businesses. The project will boost economic resiliency, strengthen the regional economy, and support economic growth throughout the region.
    • $2,614,781 to the city of Kearney, Kearney/Kearney County, NE, to support the construction of public infrastructure, to help expand a business/industrial park in the area. The project will provide water, sewer, and roadway improvements to allow for several businesses to expand operations and facilities, which will provide additional job opportunities and expand greater industrial diversity. The grantee estimates that this investment will create 46 jobs and leverage $27 million in private investment.
    • $3,195,765 to the city of Grand Forks, Grand Forks/Grand Forks County, ND, to support making road improvements to accommodate the expansion of regional agricultural processing in the area. The City and County of Grand Forks are addressing the local and regional need for increased value-added agricultural processing by providing paved road access for a soybean processing facility. The grantee estimates that this investment will create 15 jobs and leverage $45.5 million in private investment.
    • $2,529,789 to the city of Watertown South Dakota, Watertown/Codington County, SD, to support making sewer infrastructure improvements to help increase business growth in the area. The project work includes the construction of sanitary sewer and lift station improvements at the Watertown Industrial Park, to be catalytic to future job-creating and future development in the community. The grantee estimates that this investment will create 30 jobs and leverage $10 million in private investment.
    • $947,200 to South Dakota State University, Brookings/Brookings County, SD, to support the acquisition of simulation equipment that will increase training opportunities for skilled medical positions that range from technicians to nurses to physicians across the state of South Dakota. The university is addressing the regional need for an expanded healthcare workforce by developing a state-of-the-art healthcare simulation center. The equipment purchased will provide high-quality education and training for a diverse range of healthcare students and practitioners. In addition, the center will ensure the adaptability of the workforce in Brookings, South Dakota. The university expects more than 1,500 students will utilize the equipment over the next nine years, which will provide long-term economic vitality and advance economic resiliency throughout the region.
    • $544,000 to the Warehouse Business Accelerator, Loveland/Larimer County, CO, to support expanding local capacity and technology resources in the area by implementing the Business Warehouse Accelerator project. The project will help leverage existing private-sector partnerships and support emerging small manufacturing and technology-based businesses in the region. The project work includes providing second-stage manufacturing and technology companies with assistance in overcoming barriers to achieving scale, sustainability and long-term economic impact. The grantee estimates that this investment will create 120 jobs and leverage $40 million in private investment.
    • $1,248,938 to the Town of Superior, Superior/Boulder County, CO, to support long-term resiliency and economic development by making public roadway improvements to the road that serves as the primary access to the downtown area heavily damaged during the catastrophic Marshall Fire in Boulder County. This project will create job opportunities to assist the dozens of businesses damaged or destroyed and help the more than 37,000 people evacuated during the fire. The grantee estimates that this investment will create 15 jobs and leverage $19 million in private investment.
    • $2,868,000 to the city of Red Lodge, Red Lodge/Carbon County, MT, to support implementing the Transformative Streets Reconstruction project in Carbon County. The project includes constructing approximately thirteen blocks of streets, stormwater, and curb and gutter improvements to support business growth in the area. The project will help provide resilience against future flooding and will mitigate risks for the region, which will help lay the groundwork for long-term economic vitality.
    • $7,562,400 to the Cooke Pass-Cooke City-Silver Gate County Water and/or Sewer District, Cooke City/Park County, MT, to support the construction of a new wastewater collection and treatment system in Cooke City, adjacent to Yellowstone National Park in Montana, a remote area impacted by recent natural disasters. The project will help address the local need for wastewater management, which will replace a failing drainfield system. The new system will result in transformative economic and environmental impacts for the area and dozens of businesses that serve hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. Tourism revenue decreased significantly during the 2022 flooding. The grantee estimates that this investment will create and/or save 20 jobs and leverage $280,000 in private investment.
    • $2,600,000 to the city of Big Timber, Big Timber/Sweet Grass County, MT, to support constructing a new water storage tank, redundant water transmission main, and related infrastructure to support these improvements in Sweet Grass County. The project will help business expansion and retention in the community following severe flooding in the area. The project will strengthen the existing economic base and find opportunities to attract new businesses and promote job growth throughout the region.
  • $80,000 in one Planning and Local Technical Assistance project, matched by $20,000 in local investments, as follows:
    • $80,000 to Vermilion Advantage, Danville/Vermilion County, IL, to support developing a strategy for economic recovery and resilience to target Vermillion County’s business recruitment and retention efforts including workforce development in the area. The strategy will include an assessment of current economic conditions, an industry analysis, a workforce skills assessment, a strategy for targeted outreach, and recommendations for industrial site development. The project will enhance future economic sustainability and bolster economic resiliency throughout the region.
  • $4,165,117 in one Economic Adjustment Assistance project, matched by $1,041,345 in local investments, as follows:
    • $4,165,117 to the Clallam County Economic Development Council, Port Angeles/Clallam County, WA, to support implementing a program to develop regional economic capacity in natural resource-based industries in Port Angeles, Washington. The project work includes the redevelopment of the Forks Industrial Park, the implementation of a forestry workforce development program, the completion of environmental studies, and the completion of an Environmental Narrative and Preliminary Engineering Report for Terminals 1 and 3 at the Port of Port Angeles. The project will help enhance future economic sustainability, strengthen the regional economy, and bolster economic resiliency throughout the region.