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Workforce Development

Workforce Development

TruFund Accelerates Innovative Programs in Louisiana

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) awarded TruFund Financial a $500,000 EDA funded/$500,000 match grant in 2014 to assist with small business development and growth in Louisiana.

August 2016

TruFund supports minority and women owned contractors.

Workforce Development

A Training Center of Their Own

If you create a job and no one has the skills needed to fill it, did you really create a job? Workforce development must be a critical focus of all economic development organizations. It’s imperative that workers receive training that matches the needs of employers. In 2000, the town of New Braunfels, Texas, was faced with a problem. The town wanted to attract new industries, but their existing businesses were expressing concerns about the lack of skilled workers to meet their current and future needs.

July 2015

Trinity Hotel in Carlsbad, NM
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