Archived Awards Content
Awards issued prior to 2025 represent actions taken during previous administrations and do not necessarily reflect current investment priorities.
FY 2023 Awardees

- Alaska Primary Care Association (Alaska)
Industry: Healthcare - Charleston Chamber Foundation (South Carolina)
Industry: Healthcare - Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership (Illinois)
Industry: Healthcare; Manufacturing; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Information Technology - City of Birmingham (Alabama)
Industry: Healthcare - City of New York Human Resources Administration (New York)
Industry: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Building and Construction - City of Springfield (Missouri)
Industry: Healthcare; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Education - Dallas College (Texas)
Industry: Bio-medical - Economic Development and Industrial Corporation of Boston (Massachusetts)
Industry: Healthcare; Energy and Resilience; Childcare - Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber Foundation (North Dakota & Minnesota)
Industry: Agriculture and Food Production; Information Technology; Manufacturing - Florida Gulf Coast University Board of Trustees (Florida)
Industry: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Education - Foundation for California Community Colleges (California)
Industry: Forestry and Fire Safety - Fresno County Economic Development Corporation (California)
Industry: Professional and Financial Services; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Manufacturing; Building and Construction - Hampton Roads Workforce Council (Virginia & North Carolina)
Industry: Water and Blue Economy; Energy and Resilience - Illinois Central College (Illinois)
Industry: Information Technology - Lakota Funds (South Dakota)
Industry: Building and Construction - Maryland Department of Labor (Maryland)
Industry: Energy and Resilience - Miami Dade College (Florida)
Industry: Information Technology - Nevadaworks (Nevada)
Industry: Healthcare; Information Technology; Manufacturing; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics - North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (North Carolina)
Industry: Energy and Resilience - North Central New Mexico Economic Development District (New Mexico)
Industry: Healthcare; Building and Construction - Office of Workforce Strategy (Connecticut)
Industry: Manufacturing; Healthcare; Information Technology, Bio-medical - Ohio Manufacturers’ Association Educational and Industrial Development Institute (Ohio)
Industry: Manufacturing - Persevere (Tennessee)
Industry: Information Technology - Philadelphia Works, Inc (Pennsylvania)
Industry: Healthcare; Building and Construction; Energy and Resilience - Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board (Oregon)
Industry: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics - UnidosUS (Puerto Rico & Colorado)
Industry: Aerospace & Defense; Building and Construction; Financial and Professional Services - United Way of Central Iowa (Iowa)
Industry: Healthcare - University of Hawaii (Hawaii)
Industry: Healthcare; Information Technology; Energy and Resilience; Film, Arts, & Media - University of Memphis (Arkansas, Tennessee, & Mississippi)
Industry: Building and Construction; Advanced Manufacturing; Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics - Washington Student Achievement Council (Washington)
Industry: Healthcare; Information Technology; Financial and Professional Services; Energy and Resilience; Manufacturing; Building and Construction - Workforce Solutions Rural Capital (Texas)
Industry: Building and Construction; Information Technology; Healthcare - WTIA Workforce Institute (Nationwide WA; MO; AL; VA; TX; NV; PA; NJ; NC; LA; OH)
Industry: System Development